Harvey Wallbanger Cake, Elaine Burns

A different version of this entry appeared in Eaten magazine 2019 issue No. 5: “Surf & Turf

In the early 1970s, a popular new drink began to make appearances in advertisements and nightlife coverage.

Charles McHarry of the New York Daily News reported in his “On The Town” column:

“La Seine now has a drink called the Harvey Wallbanger, an import from Malibu, and here is how it was born: Seems a surfer known as Harvey bounced into a Malibu pub one night after a heavy day of hanging ten. He asked for a screwdriver and then as an afterthought asked the bartender to float an once and a half of Galliano on it. He finished the portion and promptly walked into the nearest wall. Hence Harvey Wallbanger, and it is not recommended at a lunch of less than two hours.”

Similarly, Mickey Porter of the Ohio Akron Journal announced that the Brown Derby bar would be “the first in the area to feature the Harvey Wallbanger, a drink imported from Malibu, and here’s how it was born…” You can guess the rest.

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Calvert Fruit Salad / Broccoli Puff


Occasionally someone will ask about weird foods I’ve tried in the name of history. Beef stuffed with oysters or anchovy may seem weird to some people. Perhaps peanut-pickle sandwich filling is a curiosity from another time.

Honestly, I tend to believe that the food we have access to now is weirder than anything found in history. For centuries, we more or less had a finite number of ingredients to combine in different ways, and then, suddenly: the wonders of chemistry.

My aunt gave me a late 1970′s community cookbook from Calvert County. The book features a stock cover I’ve seen on other cookbooks, with a cutesey illustration of a child and the title “Butter ‘n Love Recipes.” The cover and name are a little odd to me so it’s all the more confusing that this was not just a one off but a popular offering by the publishing company.

The Calvert County Mental Health Association gave their version of this book the subtitle “Mind Over Batter.” The cookbook committee’s stated purpose was to raise money for improved treatment and prevention of mental illness, awareness about the social stigma, and the general promotion of mental health.


I was surprised to find a page dedicated to Southern Maryland Stuffed Ham in a 1970′s cookbook, much less one from Calvert County. Also included are some other heritage recipes like a Michigan pasty, and Finnish Pannukakku.

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