“Hot Dog Stuff,” Judy Facemire

Faith Lutheran Church in Corning New York has an explanation on its website, regarding the distinctions between Lutheranism and the Reformed church:

Lutheran theology asks: What has God done for my salvation? and finds the answer in the Scriptural revelation of God’s grace. Calvin asks: What must I do to the greater glory of God? and sees in the Bible the Sovereign’s will for man’s conduct and belief.

I have no idea what that means in practical terms.

In the 1800s, rural church buildings were often shared by Lutheran and Reformed congregations. This included the Union Chapel in Libertytown, and is the reason for its name. The chapel was built in 1863-1865. When the Reformed congregation got its own building, Union Chapel became Chapel Lutheran Church.

A century plus went by, and Chapel Lutheran Church put out a cookbook called “A Taste of Heaven.”

Judy Facemire contributed this recipe for “Hot Dog Stuff,” a four-ingredient dinner. I couldn’t find specific information on Judy, but I found other Facemires active in the Chapel Lutheran Church today, and I found a genealogy website, which traces the name to Germany and Holland, and ties the family tree to Lutheranism back to the 1760s.

I thought I’d make a quick easy cobbled-together post to go with a quick easy cobbled-together recipe. I actually love recipes like this (posts, not so much). But be sure to add some seasoning.


  • 6 large potatoes, parboiled and blocked, or 4 cans whole
  • 2 cans undiluted cream of celery soup
  • 1 package uncooked hot dogs (10)
  • 1 can drained peas

Mix all ingredients; add to crock pot. Heat through.

Recipe from “A Taste of Heaven: A Collection of Recipes,” Chapel Lutheran Church, 2003

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